Sunday, July 13, 2014

Is Seeing Believing?

I believe that if I put a stamp on an envelope and leave it outside, the mailman will deliver the letter inside to the address specified.

I believe that the dishwasher cleans the dishes and there aren't little gnomes flying around inside eating the residue.

I believe that Jesus Christ can help us progress to perfection with our faith and cooperation.

I cannot physically see these processes.  I trust my letter with the mailman.  I rely on the dishwasher to get my dishes washed and cleansed.  I "blindly" follow Jesus Christ with confidence his path is the one to happiness.  

Alma clearly states that faith is "not a perfect knowledge" (32:26), but that it is a "hope for things which are not seen, which are true." (32:21).  Faith, in Japanese, implies belief and a direction for that belief-specifically, the character used means to look up.  Belief is not written in stone.  It is not admissible evidence in a court of law.  It is not taught in schools.  To some, it's not to be trusted.  But, to those of us who call ourselves Christians, our belief in Jesus Christ has brought us to a different state.

Throughout Christ's ministry and The Book of Mormon, we are taught that our belief should eventually lead to action:  to follow Christ (see previous post "Come, Follow Me).  When our belief is executed and tested, it becomes faith.  We face new scenario and our belief is tested anew.  With each victory, our faith grows and strengthens.  As we continue to pray to God, read the scriptures, attend church, and follow all other guidance received from our Father in Heaven, our faith strengthens in small doses.  What used to seem like a difficult decision or laboring trial may now seem inconsequential as you look at it with new, enlightened eyes.  What may have seemed like coincidence may now look like guidance and divine intervention.  

As we stay true to our beliefs and develop our faith, we are promised that we can "do whatsoever thing that is expedient in [God]" (Moroni 7:33).  We will never be asked to do something we shouldn't do, and we will never face something we can't do.  There is a solution to any problem and an answer to every question.  With every solution and answer, our faith grows.  As our faith grows, our problems may intensify and our questions may deepen, but as long as we press on in the same habitual path of reading and praying, our faith will stand strong and we will soon find our solution or answer.  Things you may have thought impossible are now realistic.

Faith fuels fantasy.

I believe in the power of Jesus Christ.  He can wash our sins and make us clean.  Through him, our prayers make it to our Heavenly Father and they are heard.  Through our faith, we find answers.  He is the way to eternal life.  

I believe in the story told by Joseph Smith.  He saw God and Jesus Christ, and then translated the Book of Mormon solidifying the keystone to my religion and life.

My faith has made me who I am.  My faith has fallen.  My faith has been strong.  But with whatever faith I have at any point in time, I am always able to do more than my capabilities allow.  I believe that is God's influence, and I now have faith that he will and can do it again.

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