Sunday, July 20, 2014

Healing With a Side of Healing

I've been continuing my study of the Book of Mormon.  I try to read a chapter a day, but I'm struggling to make it a habit with my somewhat unpredictable schedule.  But, I'm not about to discuss all the things I'm not doing right.  So I thought I talk about all the wrong things someone else has done.  His name is Zeezrom.  He is a character that first makes his appearance in the Book of Mormon in Alma chapter 11.

Alma had just met his new companion, Amulek, when they went to preach about Jesus Christ to the people of Amulek's city.  The people really didn't like all the mean things that were being said about their habits and their hobbies, so they sent lawyers to catch "The A-Team" in their words.  The lawyer they chose to represent them was named Zeezrom.

Zeezrom starts by offering them money to deny their testimony.  An very transparent trick that is easy for them to refuse.  But he asks very short questions, twisting Amulek's words, that sends him into a short sermon about Christ saving us from our sins, not in them.  In other words, Christ will help us be clean of our sins, but he will not save us if our movements and motives are to rebel against God's teachings.  After Amulek's speach, Zeezrom begins to shake a little.  Then Alma gets up and proceeds to talk about life after death and judgement and such which causes Zeezrom to tremble even more.  After they finish preaching, Zeezrom is left speechless, and The A-Team is arrested and then harassed while imprisoned.  They have had enough and then pray for strength to escape their captors and suddenly there is an earthquake that knocks out the prison walls and causes a fire that destroys the city.

Alma and Amulek then move to a city called Sidom where they meet an unexpected acquaintance:  Zeezrom.  He is bed-ridden with a fever and a deeply guilty conscience for having denied God's existence and surely sending Alma and Amulek to their graves.  His body was sick, and his mind was sick.  What happens next is what has caught my eye .  Alma is summoned by Zeezrom when he hears that they're alive and in the town.  He pleads with them to heal him.  Alma first confirms Zeezrom's faith in the Atonement, or healing power of Christ, and then erases his fever, and rests his troubled mind.  Zeezrom turns around, is baptized by Alma, and becomes an outstanding member of the church.  So much so, that Alma takes Zeezrom with him on a missionary trip that we can read about in Alma chapter 31.

Zeezrom's healing is complex.  It's miraculous, but it's also layered.  The disappearance of his fever demonstrates the healing power of the Priesthood, or the power males in our church hold that gives us the ability to perform tasks that God would if he were present himself.  The Priesthood is a power, and the holder's individual worthiness and attentiveness to it gives him the authority to perform ordinances, teach, lead the church, and give blessings which may or may not involve physical healing.

Zeezrom did experience a 2nd tier to his recovery: spiritual.  He had so much guilt.  He was certain he had essentially killed Alma and Amulek.  He had denied God's presence even though he knew it was true and sought to take down the two people that had come to tell his hometown about the only thing that could save them.  Looking at it now, this was probably all brought on by depression.  His depression most likely weakened his immune system and then he developed a fever.  But his depression finally subsided when he openly accepted Jesus Christ as his savior and healer.  He understood the possible consequences of his previous lifestyle.  He desired the change that has been promised by the prophets since the beginning of time.  Zeezrom obtained faith and then saw Alma and Amulek alive.  Zeezrom's mind was finally at peace, and then he was finally totally healed.

Zeezrom's story beautifully illustrates the different levels of healing we frequently have to deal with.  Everyone gets a cut or a bruise or breaks something to various extremes.  Most things can be fixed naturally, some need to be operated on, and in some stories, God intervenes.  Our mental health is much different.  We have a situation that we need to get out of.  There may be a problem that needs to be resolved, or we just need to throw it away and decide it isn't actually important.  Either way, we will get cut, bruise our pride, and will definitely need spiritual surgery.  Jesus Christ's Atonement can heal.  He brings us the reassurance we need that we're in the right place now.  And then, as Zeezrom so beautifully demonstrated, if we turn around and do what we now know to be true, we can do so much good.

The messages of Jesus Christ ring ever true in this story.  This man who was bitterly against the teachings of the church.  He then became a missionary and shared what he once rejected.  This isn't the first and is not the last story in the Book of Mormon where a rebellious person turns around and does so much good.  I learn so many lessons from stories like Zeezrom's.  I realize that it doesn't totally matter what I've done, but Christ will still help me.  It's never too late.  I am not unsavable.

And neither are you.

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