Sunday, January 11, 2015

Knowing God

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3)

What does it take to know God?  Can we know God?

In Japan, many of my friends perceived God as an influence that was not one being, but in all aspects of nature.  Christianity and some other religions hold on to a monotheistic belief.  No matter their belief, everyone seems to understand their God as an omnipotent, ever-present force.  They fear it.  They respect it.

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ, we are the same.  We fear God.  We worship God.  We pray to God in the name of Jesus Christ.  We love God.  However, we also cherish the close, personal relationship we can have with God, which is evident in how we prominently refer to him as our "Heavenly Father."

To some, it may seem odd, but I have come to know God through the hard times in my life.  I came to know that God loves me.  I escaped from a family get-together one evening after once again being targeted by everyone in the room.  I was livid, and was determined never to see any of them ever again when I grew older and moved away.  The anger built up inside of me was unhealthy.  I knelt down at my bed and was instantly calmed.  An odd sensation filled my body and I knew that God was telling me that he loves me, but that he expects more from me.

I know God listens to my prayers.  The last few months, I have shouldered more responsibilities than the average college student should.  I've turned to my Heavenly Father in prayer for help.  He didn't do my homework for me.  He didn't do everyone else's homework.  He didn't assign home teaching.  He didn't run the Engineering Club.  He did give me strength and focus to do everything I needed to and several things I wanted to.  Everyone looked at me as a firm support to rely on.  I was a source for help to a lot of people.  I was expected not to ask questions, but to answer them.  I became frustrated.  I wasn't necessarily growing tired of helping people, but I began waiting for someone to come help me.  When they didn't come, I was so aggravated.  But, as I have come to habitually pray, I turned to God and he kindly reminded me that He was, is, and always will be there to help me.

I know God answers my prayers.  As missionaries, we prayed to know where to go.  We prayed to find people to share our message with.  I never saw a vision while I was sleeping of a building we were meant to visit.  I never looked at the map and suddenly thought, "THAT is where we're supposed to go!"  But, on numerous occasions, I told my Father where I was going, and pleaded with him to place people in my path that would listen.  On more occasions than I can count, we found an investigator on our way to a planned proselyting area, and then didn't have success where we intended to go.  As a college student, I have voiced my concerns and dreams with my God.  He knows my ambitions, and I know he answers my prayers because he is helping me live my dreams.

Everybody has different experiences at different times in their lives.  Each encounter means more to you than it will mean to anyone else because there are feelings attached to those memories that nobody else felt.  No matter the trouble or the guidance, you can know God.  You can have a relationship with him.  He knows you.  He's just waiting for you to get to know him.

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