Sunday, November 16, 2014


On a spring morning in 1820, Joseph Smith left to visit a grove of trees near his house.  Prior to this expedition, he had rocked to and fro, confused by the contradictory doctrine taught by the multitude of churches in the area.  He had come to the conclusion that he would either remain confused forever, or that he should ask God directly.  His story is no secret, nor is it a fairy tale or exaggeration.  Joseph Smith saw God and Jesus Christ; a vision that opened the windows of heaven that pastors, preachers, and clergy had thought were closed.  He opened the door to revelation.

We live in a world where "seeing is believing."  However, when Christ prodded his apostles with the question, "Whom say ye that I am," Peter replies, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God."  To which Jesus replies, "Blessed art thou...for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven."(Matt 16:15-17)  Alma, the son of Alma in the Book of Mormon, had seen an angel and was struck dumb and paralyzed for days because of his adamant rebellion.  When explaining his conversion and acceptance of Christ to the people in Zarahemla, he doesn't even mention this encounter:
"They are made known unto me by the Holy Spirit of God [Holy Ghost].  Behold I have fasted and prayed many days that I might know these things of myself.  And now I do know of myself that they are true; for the Lord God hath made them manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; and this is the spirit of revelation which is in me." (Alma 5:46)

Regarding this "spirit of revelation," Christ continued his praise of Peter thus, "Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."  From Christ's time, before and after, his church was meant to be established on the rock of revelation.  For a church to be his church, he is to be the head.  And how can Christ be the leader if revelation isn't guiding the "authorities" of the church?  How can one claim to be a church of Christ except they also seek for and acknowledge guidance from him?  

To Joseph Smith also came the priesthood authority held by the prophets of old, that men still hold today.  Through this Melchizedek Priesthood, worthy, baptized members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints receive the gift of the Holy Ghost which testifies of God and Jesus Christ to our hearts.  It teaches us through revelation, and the best way to retain that revelation is to write it down!  Study journals have facilitated personal revelation for me, and they have uplifted me on more than one occasion as I go back and read exerts I have written sometimes years before.

I know that Jesus Christ is my savior, that Joseph Smith was called by God to be a prophet and that the Book of Mormon and Bible are God's words to those people as well as to us and our children.  As did Alma, I know all these things through, "the spirit of revelation which is in me."

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Our Savior's Love

I wish I could fully express my love for my savior, Jesus Christ.  I wish I could list all the things in my life that he has done for me, but I haven't even counted all the breaths I've taken in these past 22 years, so the list would be nowhere near exhaustive, and would probably exceed Google's bandwidth should I post it in a blog.  He directs my life in ways that I don't understand, but recognize after that he really did know what was best for me.  He is interested in my pursuits and He strengthens and supports me in my endeavors.

I cannot explain my love for Him because I cannot explain His love for us.  He condescended from divinity to infancy.  He withstood harsh criticism and brutal rejection.  He walked the path that each of us should, so we would know exactly what to do.  He atoned for us.  He died for us; and he was resurrected for us.  His love did not, and never will stop.  His arm will always be stretched out in welcome to those who will repent.  If you will have Him, He will have you.  And if you are His, everything is yours.

Because of him I have a purpose in life.
Because of him I can be forgiven.
Because of him I can learn pure truth.
Because of him I don't need to walk in darkness.
Because of him I can better serve others.
Because of him I have overcome "that which easily doth beset [me]".(Alma 7:11-13)
Because of him I have grown.
Because of him I have changed.
Because of him I have joy.
Because of him I have peace.

I am who I am because of him.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission When I Have Lost All of My Hair!

Yesterday, November 1st, was the one-year anniversary of the end of the greatest experience of my life.  I spent Halloween in the mission home in Tokyo, Japan.  I woke up on the 1st a little later than usual.  After working non-stop for 25 months, I think I deserved it.  I ironed my white shirt, read my was the same start to the day, but would end much differently.  All the missionaries returning home had a big breakfast together.  I didn't eat much.  Didn't have much of an appetite.  We enjoyed each other's company so much, but we all knew what lay ahead of us.  With all our things packed into just 3 suitcases, we loaded into the van and headed to the airport shuttle.  On the shuttle, we talked of the wards we served with and the amazing things that happened to us.  Once in the airport, we rushed to rearrange our luggage to meet the weight requirements.  We go through security and immigration...and then it's just the 4 of us going back to Portland.  My ticket's burning in my pocket.  Its weight on my mind is overbearing...the day I dreaded forever had finally come.  We board the big plane and as we prepare for take-off, I find the seat next to me vacant.  A good thing, too because there was nothing that could have stopped the tears from flowing as we depart and Japan slowly creeps out of my view.  I lean forward in the seat as far as I can so I could see it just a little bit longer.  The couple in front of me watch various movies, but I have no interest in simple entertainment.  I can only think of the people I'm leaving behind in Japan.  I can only think of the experiences I had.  I spent the long, 9 hour flight back to America in tears and setting goals for my future.  We land in Portland and go through customs.  
"Do you have any food on you," they ask.
"No, sir!"
That's a lie.  
We walk through the airport, and then we say goodbye to one comrade at a fork in the path.  The three of us continue until we pass the others' terminal.  We say our goodbyes and I walk alone to my terminal to wait 4 hours for my flight back to Vegas.  Now I'm really glad I didn't tell them I had food on me.  I still can't sleep.  I read my scriptures, Preach My Gospel, write in my anything really.  Then I'm boarded on the plane and headed back to Las Vegas.  Is this real?  I'm not as eager to watch Portland slip from my view, though 2 years earlier, those same sights were the ones that preceded my exodus to Japan.  
"10 minutes to Las Vegas."
This is real!  My "home" comes into view.  I wasn't sure what to call it, because that sure wasn't where my heart was.  Desert was a scenery I hadn't seen for 2 years, and the expanse of Vegas was overwhelming.  I mosey through the airport, and find the escalator that will take me down to where my family is presumably waiting for me.  I pause.  Am I ready for this?  Is there a plane somewhere taking off to Japan that I could stow away on?  My time has come, and I know that.  Still, with hesitation, I step onto the escalator, and for the first time in hours, a familiar face slips into view...

This explains only the events that took place.  Yes, I cried.  A lot.  But I cannot possibly express the pain I felt leaving Japan.  However, I can say that pain was perfectly anti-parallel to the joy I felt while serving.  Being a missionary and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ brought more happiness to my life than any experience as of yet.  As a missionary, I learned many lessons.  Most of them about myself.  I learned to see who I was in the eyes of others, but most importantly the kind of person I am in the eyes of the Lord.  I began to see much more clearly what he expected of me.  I fiercely studied humility and charity and sought tirelessly to acquire those attributes in myself.  I strove for quiet dignity, but respected authority.  Today, I am not the same man that stepped off the plane in Japan on December 21, 2011.  I changed as a missionary, and I wouldn't exchange that experience for anything.  I loved it so much, often I wonder how much longer I'll have to wait to serve as a senior missionary.  

The most important thing I learned as a missionary was things I already knew, but were strengthened.  I know that Jesus Christ is my savior, and that he loves every single person I spoke to, the ones that listened and didn't alike.  Through him, we can be perfect.  God and Jesus Christ appeared to Joseph Smith.  That kick-started the restoration of Jesus Christ's pure gospel.  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is run by Jesus Christ.  He enlists men like me to execute its purposes.  He gives us his power and grants us the authority as we use it properly.  I learned that I want to be with my family forever, and that, pending our obedience, we can be through that same power.  I learned that the Book of Mormon and Bible are God's words and teachings to us.  I learned to love reading the scriptures.  I learned what type of man God wanted me to be.  I learned Japanese, which has led to several opportunities for God to perpetually bless be for my service as a missionary.  

They limited me to 3 suitcases, but the experiences I had could not be contained in the largest suitcase in the world.  They made me list the items I'd be bringing back to America with me, but there was no space for the memories.  Even if there were, that form would have to be as long as my experience suitcase is large.  They asked me to put a price on the things I had with me, but there is no monetary value even close to how I prize the love and friendships I carried with me across the Pacific Ocean.