Sunday, May 4, 2014

Back to the Basics

In lieu of recent General Conference talks, Devotionals, and promptings from the spirit, I've decided and committed to a theme and purpose for my blog.  I will share the experiences I've had that have touched me or helped me influence God's intervention into my life.  I hope not to praise myself, but to share my testimony and my gratitude because, without my Father in Heaven, I most certainly would NOT be the man I am today.

On Thursday, I finished my last final exam before the end of my first semester of college after returning from a 2-year mission in Japan.  My mission was an incredible experience, and I wish I could relate the feelings of love I have for the Japanese people and that culture.  Sadly, words cannot express the joy I felt while serving as a missionary or the void I feel having returned home.

But my experiences in this semester have led me to more strongly trust in the scripture in Deuteronomy 4:9
"Only take heed to thyself, and keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things 
which thine eyes have seen, and lest they depart from thy heart all the days of thy life..."
In other words, do what you know you need to do or else you will forget the things you've learned and become numb to the feelings you once sought.  And in simpler words, if you've been given a gift...use it or lose it!  

As a missionary, I grew significantly as a person and acquired various "gifts" from God(see 1 Corinthians chapter 12).  I very much approved of the person I had become after 2 years and desired to further my progression.  I hit a wall when I got home and failed to develop a solid scripture study program.  When I went to school, I tried so hard to block out an hour everyday for diligent scripture study, and I felt bad when I often ran out of time for anything more than reading a chapter before retiring to bed.  But my prayers remained constant and my effort was acknowledged.  The study skills and certain personality traits I had acquired can still be found in my persona.  They may not be upgraded; in fact, I may have taken steps backwards.  But, I am still proud of the person I am, and I was able to bounce back from a poor GPA I acquired before my missionary service. 

God listens to our every prayer.  He knows our deepest desires.  He wants to guide us down our life path so it isn't so lonely even if all others have abandoned us, but "When [He] came, was there now man?"  WE abandon him.  WE turn off our phone.  WE don't answer the door.  

Answer the door.  Find him.  Call him up and counsel with him on your decisions and grievances.  There is guidance to be had and lessons to be learned, and they all depend on ourselves.  The gospel is simple, and it is this:  be better than you are through the help of Jesus Christ.  And oh, how true that is.  It does not matter where we are, Christ can show us the way to better men, better women, and a better people.  Converse with him through prayer.  Read his answers in the words of his prophets, ancient and modern.  These simple things will help you because they have helped me.  And they do help me.

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